Young Living Essential Oils

Seed to Seal

Natural remedies and clean living have always played a role in my life, and now as a new mom of twins I am even more excited about sharing the benefits that Young Living Essential Oils brings to every household.

The power of Young Living Essential Oils is in the authentic Seed to Seal® process which truly holds the essence of nature providing truly life-changing wellness. This meticulous five-step process delivers nature’s most potent and pure essential oils from the farm directly to your family.

In order to provide the most authentic essential oil experience, each seed is carefully hand-picked. We oversee every step of production ensuring purity and safety. This unique approach sets us apart from any other product you will find elsewhere. Click here to learn more about the unparalleled process of Seed to Seal®

Enhance Your lifestyle With Essential Oils

Each Essential Oil holds their own powerful properties. Check out the properties of the oils you will receive in your very own Premium Starter Kit.

Who doesn’t love lemon? It’s a super popular oil in the premium starter kit! Lemon is one of those oils that’s VERY versatile, smells amazing and is super easy on the budget. And a fun fact: did you know that, historically, lemon has been used to fight food poisoning and diseases like malaria and scurvy? In fact, sources say that Christopher Columbus carried lemon seeds to America (Ref Guide for Essential Oils). Lemon can be used aromatically, topically and internally. Safe for all ages. 

  • A drop in water for digestive support.

  • A drop in water to help with detoxification (removing toxins from your body).

  • Diffuse to help promoting a positive mood.

  • Apply topically to forearms to supporting healthy blood pressure.

  • Diffuse with Peppermint to promoting alertness and increase energy levels.

  • Diffuse alone or with Purification to purify the air.

  • Mix with Thieves and water in a spray bottle for an all purpose cleaner.

  • Add a drop to remove stick icky adhesives.

Frankincense (Boswellia Carterii) also known as “olibanum” is a small shrubby tree with white flowers that has fresh citrus, turpentine top notes and sweet warm balsamic, wood-smoke undertones. The use of Frankincense essential oil dates back to ancient times and played an important role in the daily lives of Ancient Egypt, Persian, Hebrew, Greek and Roman civilizations. The name frankincense is derived from the Medieval French word for “Real incense.” Is was “used to treat every conceivable illness known to man” and was more valuable than gold during ancient times, and only those with great wealth and abundance possessed it.
Frankincense essential oil is a must to have in your oil arsenal as it supports emotional balance, the immune and nervous systems and the skin. Frankincense essential oil can slow and deepen breathing helping to allay feelings of fear, nervous tension and stress. It may also help in meditation as it helps to cease the mental chatter and still the mind. Frankincense can be used aromatically, topically and internally. Safe for all ages. 

  • Mix with carrier oil of your choice and apply daily to help with skin regeneration and age spots. Some even put a roll top on the bottle and add “neat” to the face as a regular skin routine.

  • Apply to temples and wrists to relieve stress.

  • Take internally for immune support.

  • Diffuse to uplift mood and combat stress.

  • Mix with Thieves and water in a spray bottle for an all purpose cleaner.

  • Add a drop to remove stick icky adhesives.

Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils out there and a necessary staple in our oil arsenal. Young Living peppermint oil can be used aromatically, topically or ingested. Dilution ratio 1:4. Peppermint is a hot oil and is not recommended for children under the age of 3.

  • Rub in to muscle pain for sore joints or bruises.

  • A drop rubbed into your temples (not too close to the eyes) or the back of the head will help with head tension.

  • A drop of this oil in a large bottle of water is both refreshing and reduces cravings.

  • A drop of this oil under the tongue or in water is highly regarded for soothing digestion.

  • As an energizer! The smell of peppermint has been proven to perk you up and reset your concentration.

  • To help with sinus congestion; diffusing or inhaling this oil will clear your nasal passages

  • Peppermint is a wonderful natural trick to ward off bugs. Spiders, mosquitoes, chiggers and even lice can’t stand it.

  • Apply this oil with a little lavender for immediate itch relief from bites, rashes or dry skin.

  • Hair growth! Peppermint oil is commonly found in hair products because it stimulates hair growth and thickening.

  • Many medical studies have shows a drastic reduction in nausea when using peppermint both internally or through inhalation.

PanAway is a soothing blend of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint. It’s ideal for soothing sore muscles, neck and shoulder discomfort, knee & joint discomfort. It can only be used topically, is considered a hot oil so it needs to be diluted, and is not recommended for children under 3. Dilution ratio 1:4.

  • Apply PanAway after exercise to relieve sore muscles.

  • Apply a drop to the temples, back of neck and across forehead for head tension.

  • Apply on location to promote healthy joints.

  • Dilute and massage on location to ease growing pains.

  • Apply on base of spine to help support the sciatica.

  • Apply on hips of pets that suffer from Hip Displaysia to ease pain and promote joint comfort.

  • Make a roller with PanAway alone or the “Triple Threat” of 10 drops each of PanAway, Peppermint, and Copaiba.

  • Mix 5-10 drops of PanAway in a cup of Epsom salt. Use the entire amount in a warm bath for a soothing soak. You can also use this in a basin of very warm water to soak tired, achy feet!

Ever wonder why Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular oils? This aromatic blend of Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils is known for its incredible cleansing abilities and its highly effective support of the immune system. It was created from research based on the legends about a group of 15th-century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead. Seriously! Thieves can be used aromatically, topically and internally. Thieves is a hot oil and is not recommended for children under 2 yrs. Dilution ratio 1:4. 

*Since Thieves is considered a hot oil, it is not recommended on anyone under the age of 2 years old, and well-diluted for older children.

  • Diffuse in your home around the cold and flu season to keep the family’s immunity at it’s best.

  • Make an Immunity Roller for each member of your family. For adults, 20 drops of Thieves, 10 drops of lemon. For kids two and up, 5 drops of Thieves, 5 drops of Frankincense and 5 drops of Lemon. Roll on feet and spine daily, or more often when you really feel something coming on.

  • Make a Thieves spray for carts, boosters, doorknobs, keyboards, school things or anything else public and germy. Smells better than the hand sanitizers and lacks the toxins! In a 2 oz. glass spray bottle add 10-12 drops of Thieves, 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and fill the rest with distilled water. Shake before each use.

  • If you HAVE caught a little something and are down for the count, try a sick bomb! In a 00 size capsule add 2 drops of Thieves, 2 drops of Lemon and 2 drops of Frankincense (or Oregano) and the rest a carrier like olive oil. Take 2-3 times a day until better.

  • If you wake up with a sore throat try one drop of Thieves on your thumb then press it to the rear part of the roof of your mouth. Immediate relief.

  • Who likes chai tea? You must try this. Great for sore throats but also delicious for no reason at all is a Thieves latte (warm almond milk and 1-2 drops of thieves with honey). Screams fall all year round!

  • Try Thieves cleaner! Young Living sells an incredible line of Thieves products from toothpastes to laundry detergent but I’d say at the very least, you MUST get yourself some of the cleaner concentrate. You will save A TON of money making your own all-purpose sprays, deep scrubs, window cleaner and more, all from the same concentrate for pennies!

Raven is basically RC on steroids. An incredibly powerful oil to support the respiratory system! How to use: Make a roller or chest rub, Diffuse, Use on an inhaler

Safe for ages 2+ (always dilute more for kids!)

Oils in Raven are:

  • Ravensara may help dilate, open, and strengthen the respiratory system. As a cross between clove and nutmeg, it may also help support the adrenal glands.

  • Lemon promotes health, physical energy, and purification. Its fragrance is invigorating, enhancing, and warming.

  • Wintergreen contains 99% methyl salicylate, which gives it cortisone-like properties. It may be beneficial for anything that is related to inflammation.

  • Peppermint is also great for inflammation. It is soothing, cooling, and dilating to the system.

  • Eucalyptus radiata may have a profound effect upon the respiratory system. It may also help promote clear nasal membranes.

Digize is a blend of Taragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise and Parchouli and is the perfect oil for all your digestive needs. Digize can be used topically or internally and should be diluted. It is recommended for anyone over the age of 2 yrs. Dilution ratio: 1:4.

  • Apply topically with carrier oil rubbed over the stomach and colon to promote healthy digestion, help with indigestion, flatulence, nausea.

  • If you are dealing with bowel issues, it is helpful to massage diluted DiGize around the perimeter of your tummy area. Massage clockwise to “get things moving” and counterclockwise to “slow things down.”

  • Ingest by adding a drop or 2 to a 8 oz glass of water or almond milk OR by making a capsule.

  • Make a Tummy Troubles roller with 10 drops Digize and 10 drops Peppermint to help support a healthy tummy.

A blend that is great for balancing the body systems, uplifting spirits, cleansing the air and stinky areas, and promoting a positive mood. Uses: Diffuse to bring a fresh scent and remove odors. Diffuse in an office or class to promote clear thinking and creativity. Wear topically for a happy and uplifting feeling. Add to laundry to get the stink out.

Oils in Citrus Fresh:

  • Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart, which feelings provide emotional support.

  • Tangerine oil is loved by children and adults alike, with its delightfully sweet aroma that can create a happy, contented mindset.

  • Mandarin is appeasing, gentle, and promotes happiness. It is also refreshing, uplifting, and revitalizing. Because of its sedative and slightly hypnotic properties, it is very good for stress and irritability.

  • Grapefruit is balancing and uplifting to the mind and may help to calm nerves.
  • Lemon promotes health, physical energy, and purification. Its fragrance is invigorating, enhancing, and warming.

  • Spearmint can relieve mental strain and fatigue and lift one’s spirits.

  • Apply topically and wear as a perfume on wrists and neck.

  • Make a bravery roller with added orange for you or your little one to go throughout the day with confidence.

  • Supports alignment.
  • Apply topically or diffuser to helps combat nervous tension.

  • Drop a couple drops in palm of hand, rub hands together and take a few deep inhales.

Oh sweet Stress Away! This amazing oil is a unique blend of Lime, Copaiba, Cedarwood, Lavender and a hint of Vanilla. With an aroma that is the perfect blend of tropical and citrus, Stress Away is uniquely relaxing and comforting. Stress Away can be used aromatically or topically.

  • Diffuse in your room for a relaxing environment. Try it with Peppermint for an awesome balance!

  • Diffuse in your car for a calming experience during those stressful drives.

  • Create a Stress Away roller bottle to carry with you during the day for when you need it. A roller is also great to help with headaches by rolling on the back of the neck, wrists, forehead and/or temples.

  • Make a calming bath soak with 10 drops of Stress Away in 2 cups of Epsom salts and enjoy!
  • Promote better sleep by combining Stress Away and Lavender in your diffuser at night time.

  • Help with teeth clenching and grinding by rubbing coconut oil with 2-3 drops of Stress Away along your jawline.

  • Add 1-2 drops to a refreshing fruit salad!

Ningxia Red (pronounced N-ing-sha) is often called “Ninja Juice,” because it packs a powerful punch!! The Ningxia Wolfberry is the world’s highest antioxidant food – meaning it contains the highest amount of antioxidants than any other food known! Amazing right? Antioxidants are vital to whole body health because they prevent cellular damage by free radicals (bad guys!) and therefore play a huge role in the body’s defense system. UV Rays, air pollution, tobacco smoke, and harmful chemicals are all examples of the free radicals that antioxidants fight. Drinking just ONE ounce of Ningxia gives the same antioxidant power of consuming 100 oranges, 814 blueberries, 34 large onions, 22 carrots, 55 pounds of almonds, 93 apples, 73 strawberries, 11 pounds of spinach, and 59 broccoli florets. Incredible! This delicious drink also contains a super blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, plum, stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living Ningxia Red is the number one antioxidant product on the market today. 

  • Energy boost – drinking 2 oz of Ningxia Red will give you an immediate energy boost first thing in the morning or during an afternoon slump. Skip the extra coffee and feed your body instead!

  • Improved clarity and focus – a shot of Ningxia will support healthy brain function and mental clarity. Regular and everyday use is recommended!

  • Overall immune support – antioxidants play an important role in healthy cell function, which in turn is directly related to immune function and defense. A Ningxia a day keeps the yuckies away!

Are You Ready To Introduce the Magic of Essential Oils Into Your Life?

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