Entries by mommyfeelgood

Kaj and Poppy’s Birth Story

I write this the eve before their first birthday (posted 2 months later), how did that happen so fast? Here goes, and sorry, but I’m pretty blunt and won’t be sugarcoating much of the gory details–you’ve been warned.  It was a dark and stormy night.  Just kidding, it wasn’t really, although the weather had been […]

Breech doesn’t have to mean Cesarean.

Here is some amazing information including pictures and videos of vaginal breech births. It can be done! Sadly residents are not learning how to support vaginal breech births, so they in turn do not practice it in their practice. Its nice to know the art is still being practiced and passed on. http://www.homebirth.net.au/category/birth/breech-birth http://www.homebirth.net.au/2010/01/frank-breech-video.html


When I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed student midwife I was awarded with a certificate and a box of chocolates. My achievement was collecting the most cord blood in the hospital. At that time the Local Health District was trialing a cord blood bank. The collected stem cells were to be used for treating leukemia […]

Looking for Placenta Encapsulation in Los Angeles and surrounding areas? We’re here to help.

Traditionally, placenta capsules have been used to help: · Balance your hormones · Increase milk supply · Combat Fatigue · Increase your energy · Prevent signs of aging · Recover more quickly from childbirth · Replenish what was lost during childbirth · Bring the body back into balance · Prevent and treat the “baby blues” […]

Video From a Client

http://youtu.be/z1pZYhjIDvg Thanks so much for sharing your experience! Just to clarify a couple of things, the cost is actually $275, not $400. And the tincture can be used in conjunction with the capsules or when the capsules are gone. You use the tincture for the same reasons you would use the capsules, any time of […]

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